Sunday, March 30, 2008

Artistic Memoirees © 2008 stevens

Artistic Memoirees©2008
Ah ,the 70's, at last...
When I left off last time I was mentioning about Susan, my parents, and 
yes, there will be art. I assure you lots of art.
My parents were old fashioned,
or perhaps  unbeknownst to myself, I was  a rebel. 
My parents were furious that I left the nest.
 After all,my sister and brother did the honorable thing,
waited to get married, before fleeing the coop.
They insisted I come to my senses, and come right home, now !.
I did not. They were the co- signers on my 1969 Kharman Ghia,
They called my note,and alas, I lost the car that I loved... my first car.
I know it's about art... I'll get there.
I had no job, a new playmate, an unrealized anchor of an apartment,
 and as I said no job.
Oh did I mention that Susan quit her job . 
I did the honorable thing, I got a job driving a cab. Susan, stayed home. 
I got a credit card, Susan stayed home,
 I fixed the apartment up, well, actually, we fixed it up.
I paid for it. 
It was paradise, and insanity  all wrapped up into one.
Susan made friends easily, she was likable. I worked, so she stayed home, sort of .
She was never alone, she and her several cats, and more friends. 
I wasn't that alone either.
I got a job driving a cab. 
 I had lots of passengers in my cab , during my, too long to remember, shift.
Actually, that's not true, I was very  lonely.
 One thing though, It was my most prolific time of creating cartoons.
(I'll try not to drag out too many, just enough to make my point.)
I filled books, upon books ,of cartoons during that time.
 It was kind of  a cathartic  beginning
 of my cartoon therapy, without the doctors.
I feel this may be a long chapter , so bear with me.
My cartoons were about feelings,  emotions, and  innermost thoughts.
Maybe not funny, a little crazy, but, a learning experience, that was for certain.
No Pain, No Gain,  to speak...
To be Continued....

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