Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Artistic Memoirees © 2008 stevens

Artistic Memoirees© 2008

It Still the 60's ...Sheesh !
OK, Ok, well, it was a decade , 10 long years,so,
what's so hot about the 70's anyway ?!
Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself again.
Yesterday, I was writing about Go Magazine,
and the creative ventures I became involved with.
Since this blog is about art, and cartooning,
it's time to show some artwork.
I mentioned the Esquire Socks, and
Royal Crown Cola Campaigns, so here are a few
more cartoons, from that time.
Go Magazine was growing from a small newspaper ,
to a weekly with over 750,00 circulation,
which kids trusted, and the, 34 radio stations
liked the self promotion of the center spread.
There was Go Franchising, ,
Pop Shops,, a retail establishment serving teenagers,
and young adults with audio, audio visual,
fashion, musical instruments, books & magazines.
It was growing with the support of national advertisers.
The "tatty little sheet", as Robin Leach used to lovingly refer to Go Magazine,
was also going in for a face change.
Ruby Mazur redesigned the newspaper concept,
into a full fledged news stand magazine.
It was all a wonderful time,
I was given an opportunity, to come out of the dark,
and display my cartoons in the periodical.
For this I give a great heart felt thank you,
to all at Go Magazine, who gave me an opportunity to shine,
especially Ruby Mazur, our art Director.

The above facts were taken from the March 5, 1969 Ad Daily,
and promotional material produced by Go magazine Advertising.

And now a few more cartoons
Below is the cartoon which ran in Go Magazine as my visual concept
for a record,( We couldn't get permisson to use the name of the record at the time,)
Shel Silversteins, "A Boy Named Sue", sung by Johnny Cash.
We were Ahead of our time, by about 11 years.
This last Cartoon, never get's old, unfortunately,
It was originally printed in GO Magazine, Thanks to Ruby, in the summer of 1969.
It's very pacifistic, I don't know if you can read the type, but the last line says
..And eventually, after war is all over,man will be able to live in peace again,
The last picture says it all.
I left Go Magazine in 1969 ,I met a woman, we headed for the coast, The East coast,
Long Beach, NY, Not the West Coast. Boy, did I ever get that all wrong.
More about that as Artistic Memoirees continues.
I want to thank Robin Leach, for his interest, support, and kind words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has been a delightful reminder of the exciting past. Thankyou so much for sharing the experience.
For you they were "dark days" on West 56th Street but look at the great joys of life that sprung from it.
For me also in a different form of communications but hopw wonderful to take a blank canvas each day and turn out a new message - be it problem solving, be it commercial or be it a political plea. Congratulations and well done, sir.