Monday, February 18, 2008

Artistic Memoirees ©2008 stevens

Artistic Memoirees
The late 60's
Cool Times !
In the late 60's I attended The School of Visual of Arts full time.
I met  many wonderful artists, , and became best friends to
an amazing young artist/illustrator/ caricaturist, named
Barry Rockwell. I was wowed at Barry's ability to draw  virtually anything,
and his ability to capture a likeness. Barry would look at my art, and 
 gave it a non-malicious name " Stevens- Stiffs."
 We got along , so incredibly well, because
He enjoyed my humor, weird that it was, and I his art. 
Another great friend was a young talented man named Ron Tunison,
Ron had many passions, ok, ok, this is about art... Anyway. His first love was
for all things civil war., Ron, was the modern day Matthew Brady.
The gang of us would parade out onto the woods, in our best authentic war 
attire, and lie face down in the mud, for the best shot, to look like it was photographed in 1863. 
It was great fun.
Then Ron and Barry turned their talents to sculpture. 
I lost track of both these men after graduation, time has a way of making friends drift into different ponds of life. 
I located these wonderful old photos, and a few more. Then I thought, why not try to google their names.  I found them, first I am  happy, to see that they are still 
alive. Then to see their accomplishments as artists. I am proud to say  I have known them, and I wish  them great success in their futures
May God Bless you Gentlemen             
Above ,are a few of the photos of a crazy afternoon in Northport, NY way back in the late 60's
Those days of so much fun, and beginnings of a journey, into where anything is possible.
The above photos of Barry Rockwell & Ron Tunison circa 1967.Hopefully , more pix to come.
If you are interested in finding more about these two talented, and unique gentlemen, or perhaps have something commissioned from them, see their web sites as follows:
 For Barry Rockwell's wonderful  fine art, unique, and very funny  approach to commercialism go to...., 
His childrens books, and educational art can be viewed @, is the place to see Ron Tunison's amazing  military sculpture. art that is incredibly lifelike. You will be amazed at his ability to see into the sole of a soldier.
Sit back, turn on your computer, and enjoy the talents of two creative geniuses, each to his own.  

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