Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Artistic Memoirees ©2008 stevens

Artistic Memoirees ©2008
Yeah,The 60's
I bought a 1969 Volkswagen, Kharman Ghia convertable, cool car.
The reason why I placed these two pictures near each other, was because I noticed
that how disjointed my body looks in each of them.
The one on above was taken in 196o, when I was 13 years old, prior to my back complications.
The one belowt was taken in 1969. My legs still look twisted. 
As I mentioned earlier, I have always been fighting health problems, and my creativity
has been my Bandaid, so to speak.
Funny thing, I kept on finding a character that always some how popped up in my sketches,
A smiling face, I guess that represented my belief in happy endings, through it all, 
                     he  was always somewhere.

I was made fun of in Grade
 school ,they  called me Banana legs , because I ran funny,
 due to,my as of then, unknown back trouble.
 I buried myself in art, to mask the pain. The pain of embarrassment, and ridicule.
I mentioned how, in High School, I used my ability to use artwork ,
 to make a little lunch money,
and to have protection from the bullies. Again artwork.
To jump ahead briefly,
I had an emergency back operation in 1977,  5 days after ,
 being there, with my wife during the birth of our  first daughter.
I was in the hospital for about two weeks following the surgery,
and had to learn to walk all over again, with leg braces, and the
wonderful therapy ,of Easter Seals Rehabilitation. 
I never stopped drawing, I sketched in books, I penned cartoons in bed, 
I never gave up my dream, to be an artist, but also, cartoons were my therapy. 
It kept  up my spirits finding humor, in all things, and for a short while
it got my mind off the constant pain.
Even today, as I sit and draw , or write, I am somewhere else.
That is why when I began this blog I wanted to use it as a teaching vehicle, and , 
not only as a showcase of my artistic evolution.
As the smiling face below says, "meanwhile on another page", or away from this reality for a short respite. 

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